Saturday, October 3, 2009


Thank you so much for taking the time to share this information.

My thoughts and prayers are with Emma and all the family as I know exactly
what you are going through. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and chose to
remain home where we lovingly cared for her. I frequently spent time in the
last couple of days reading A Chid's Garden of Versus to my mother...this
was a book she had read to me for years when I was young and that is how I
learned to appreciate poetry.

Cry freely, laugh freely, remember all the good times with each other end
share them with Emma.

It is a remarkable journey, this end of life thing....for all involved.
Remember to take care of yourselves also.

We found Kaiser to be absolutely fantastic and their hospice program really
helped me to deal with many of the issues we faced.

I only know Emma through SAQA and have only spoken briefly over the years at
meetings. She has always been a warm and friendly woman with a great laugh.

Please tell her I am with her in spirit and are so many other people whose
lives she has touched.

Blessings to you all and keep in mind that the strength of the Lord is with
you all

with care and love,
Liz Berg

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What is Your Emma Story?

This blog is a chance to remember and honor Emma by bringing us together in a way that can only be done through a medium like the internet. We love her, we will miss her, but she's here for a short time still, and we want to smile and cry and laugh together with her as much as possible while we can.

Emma has touched a monumental number of lives through her work as a mother, grandmother, friend, teacher, artist, and to Ted as a dear wife. There are countless stories that have already been told many times, and there are many others that we're going to learn for the first time as we read them here.


Not only will we be able to laugh and smile together, even after Emma has passed, but we will be sharing this blog with Emma. If you have a story, long or short, silly or sad, pensive or outrageous, please take some time and share it with us and Emma.

This is such a dear time for all of us. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and prayers.

It's easy! To post to Emma's blog, send an email to If you have a picture(s) that you would like to add, make it an attachment to the email. Your email will post automatically.

Please remember to include your name somewhere in the email/post.