Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oma Emma

Oma Emma was always busy with a project, when I was 7 we took a trip to Norway with Oma and Opa. And of course Oma brought her latest creation with her   - the American Gothic quilt. There was a time we were sitting in the hotel room one evening and I had the opportunity to help her sew on a few beads. It was such a thrill to be a part of this elaborate quilt. Since then I have had a very sentimental attachment to the American Gothic quilt. I was overcome with joy and incredibly touched when I heard that my name had been put on it... I can't wait for the day that I can hang it in my home to share with my family and friends to come.  (note from Shenna - all the grandkids have been promised by Mom/Oma that when they get married they get to choose one of her quilts for their own) 
We have such a remarkable family! I couldn't think of one better :) and much of that is due to Oma Emma. She taught us to love and have patience with all. She had a way of making everyone feel so special, she would brag about her family to anyone who would listen :) She could tell a story like no one else. My parents often ask me "is this an Emma story?" referring to the length. She could and would talk for HOURS about nothing and everything. A trait I have inherited/learned from her. A characteristic that I value dearly. Oma's talents have always been admired and treasured and will continue to influence inspiration to all. She had her way of doing things..... something that I find very refreshing. I am like Oma in more ways then one, as I am sure many of the grandkids and family are. I love that. I love Oma, and all the characteristics I have gotten from her, they are a constant reminder of her and her love for me and EVERYONE she knew and hoped to know. She wasn't afraid to start a converstation with a complete stranger. I wanna do that more. Her confidence was incredible!!!!
things i've gotten from Oma
~ wash dishes before they go in the dishwasher
~ an eye for color
~ $ store shopping
~ story telling
~ compassion for all
things I admire and want to work harder to do
~ be confident with myself and others
~ use my talents to help others
~ reach out to others
~ be more accepting

 Lochlan Phillips 

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What is Your Emma Story?

This blog is a chance to remember and honor Emma by bringing us together in a way that can only be done through a medium like the internet. We love her, we will miss her, but she's here for a short time still, and we want to smile and cry and laugh together with her as much as possible while we can.

Emma has touched a monumental number of lives through her work as a mother, grandmother, friend, teacher, artist, and to Ted as a dear wife. There are countless stories that have already been told many times, and there are many others that we're going to learn for the first time as we read them here.


Not only will we be able to laugh and smile together, even after Emma has passed, but we will be sharing this blog with Emma. If you have a story, long or short, silly or sad, pensive or outrageous, please take some time and share it with us and Emma.

This is such a dear time for all of us. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and prayers.

It's easy! To post to Emma's blog, send an email to If you have a picture(s) that you would like to add, make it an attachment to the email. Your email will post automatically.

Please remember to include your name somewhere in the email/post.